Financial Terms
Seasoned new issue

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Definition of Seasoned new issue

Seasoned New Issue Image 1

Seasoned new issue

A new issue of stock after the company's securities have previously been issued. A
seasoned new issue of common stock can be made by using a cash offer or a rights offer.

Related Terms:

Bellwether issues

Related:Benchmark issues.

Benchmark issues

Also called on-the-run or current coupon issues or bellwether issues. In the secondary
market, it's the most recently auctioned Treasury issues for each maturity.

Cheapest to deliver issue

The acceptable Treasury security with the highest implied repo rate; the rate that a
seller of a futures contract can earn by buying an issue and then delivering it at the settlement date.

Current issue

In Treasury securities, the most recently auctioned issue. Trading is more active in current
issues than in off-the-run issues.

Current-coupon issues

Related: Benchmark issues

Dual-currency issues

Eurobonds that pay coupon interest in one currency but pay the principal in a different

Euroequity issues

Securities sold in the Euromarket. That is, securities initially sold to investors
simultaneously in several national markets by an international syndicate. Euromarket.
Related: external market

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A particular financial asset.

Issued share capital

Total amount of shares that are in issue. Related: outstanding shares.


An entity that issues a financial asset.

Multiple-issuer pools

Under the GNMA-II program, pools formed through the aggregation of individual
issuers' loan packages.

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Also known as the Big Board or The Exhange. More than 2,00 common
and preferred stocks are traded. The exchange is the older in the United States, founded in 1792, and the
largest. It is lcoated on Wall Street in new York City

New-issues market

The market in which a new issue of securities is first sold to investors.

New money

In a Treasury auction, the amount by which the par value of the securities offered exceeds that of
those maturing.

Original issue discount debt (OID debt)

Debt that is initially offered at a price below par.

Oversubscribed issue

Investors are not able to buy all of the shares or bonds they want, so underwriters must
allocate the shares or bonds among investors. This occurs when a new issue is underpriced or in great demand
because of growth prospects.

Seasoned New Issue Image 3

Presold issue An issue

that is sold out before the coupon announcement.

Reopen an issue

The Treasury, when it wants to sell additional securities, will occasionally sell more of an
existing issue (reopen it) rather than offer a new issue.

Seasoned datings

Extended credit for customers who order goods in periods other than peak seasons.

Seasoned issue

issue of a security for which there is an existing market. Related: Unseasoned issue.

Secondary issue

1) Procedure for selling blocks of seasoned issues of stocks.
2) More generally, sale of already issued stock.

Small issues exemption

Securities issues that involve less than $1.5 million are not required to file a
registration statement with the SEC. Instead, they are governed by Regulation A, for which only a brief
offering statement is needed.

Specific issues market

The market in which dealers reverse in securities they wish to short.

Unseasoned issue

issue of a security for which there is no existing market. See: seasoned issue.

Vanilla issue

A security issue that has no unusual features.

Issued shares

The number of shares that the company has sold to the public.

Issue date

The date a security is first offered for sale. That date usually
determines when interest payments, known as coupons, are made.

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Unissued stock

Stock that has been authorized for use, but which has not yet been
released for sale to prospective shareholders.

issued shares

Shares that have been issued by the company.

rights issue

issue of securities offered only to current stockholders.

seasoned offering

Sale of securities by a firm that is already publicly traded.

New Classicals

Economists who, like classical economists, believe that wages and prices are sufficiently flexible to solve the unemployment problem without help from government policy.

New Keynesians

Economists who, like Keynes, believe that for good reason wages and prices are sticky and so prolong recessions, suggesting a need for government policy.

Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)

A special committee of the Financial Accounting Standards Board established to reach consensus of how to account for new and unusual financial transactions that have the potential for creating differing financial reporting practices.

Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF)

A separate committee within the Financial Accounting Standards Board composed of 13 members representing CPA firms and preparers of financial statements
whose purpose is to reach a consensus on how to account for new and unusual financial transactions
that have the potential for creating differing financial reporting practices.

Inventory issue

A transaction used to record the reduction in inventory from a location,
because of its release for processing or transfer to another location.

Yearly Renewable Term Insurance

Sometimes, simply called YRT, this is a form of term life insurance that may be renewed annually without evidence of insurability to a stated age.

Guaranteed Renewal

A promise that a life insurance policy will be renewed without penalty or medical examination after the term has expired. The renewal rate can also be guaranteed.


When an item is approved and released for sale, or when a policy or sales contract is accepted.

Issue Age

Age of an insured as at the policy issue date, using "age nearest" next birthday formula.

Issue Date

Date on which a policy is approved.







Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.

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