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Investment product line (IPML) |
Information about financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
Main Page: credit, business, finance, inventory control, payroll, stock trading, accounting, investment, Also see related: first time homebuyer, mortgage, insurance, financing, property, homebuyer, condo, home insurance, homes, |
Definition of Investment product line (IPML)Investment product line (IPML)The line of required returns for investment projects as a function of beta
Related Terms:Bank lineline of credit granted by a bank to a customer. Capital market line (CML)The line defined by every combination of the risk-free asset and the market portfolio. Cash flow time-lineline depicting the operating activities and cash flows for a firm over a particular period. Characteristic lineThe market model applied to a single security. The slope of the line is a security's beta. Demand line of creditA bank line of credit that enables a customer to borrow on a daily or on-demand basis. Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP)Automatic reinvestment of shareholder dividends in more shares of a Euro lineslines of credit granted by banks (foreign or foreign branches of U.S. banks) for Eurocurrencies. ![]() Expected return on investmentThe return one can expect to earn on an investment. See: capital asset Foreign direct investment (FDI)The acquisition abroad of physical assets such as plant and equipment, with Future investment opportunitiesThe options to identify additional, more valuable investment opportunities Gross domestic product (GDP)The market value of goods and services produced over time including the Gross national product (GNP)Measures and economy's total income. It is equal to GDP plus the income Guaranteed investment contract (GIC)A pure investment product in which a life company agrees, for a Investment analystsRelated: financial analysts Investment bankFinancial intermediaries who perform a variety of services, including aiding in the sale of Investment decisionsDecisions concerning the asset side of a firm's balance sheet, such as the decision to Investment grade bondsA bond that is assigned a rating in the top four categories by commercial credit Investment incomeThe revenue from a portfolio of invested assets. Investment managerAlso called a portfolio manager and money manager, the individual who manages a Investment tax creditProportion of new capital investment that can be used to reduce a company's tax bill Investment trustA closed-end fund regulated by the investment Company Act of 1940. These funds have a Investment valueRelated:straight value. InvestmentsAs a discipline, the study of financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, from the investor's Legal investmentsinvestments that a regulated entity is permitted to make under the rules and regulations Line of credit An informal arrangement between a bank and a customer establishing a maximum loan Linear programmingTechnique for finding the maximum value of some equation subject to stated linear constraints. Linear regressionA statistical technique for fitting a straight line to a set of data points. Log-linear least-squares methodA statistical technique for fitting a curve to a set of data points. One of the Line of creditAn informal arrangement between a bank and a customer establishing a maximum loan Mortgage pipelineThe period from the taking of applications from prospective mortgage borrowers to the Mortgage-pipeline riskThe risk associated with taking applications from prospective mortgage borrowers Mutually exclusive investment decisionsinvestment decisions in which the acceptance of a project Net investmentGross, or total, investment minus depreciation. Net present value of future investmentsThe present value of the total sum of NPVs expected to result from Old-line factoringFactoring arrangement that provides collection, insurance, and finance for accounts receivable. Passive investment strategySee: passive management. Passive investment managementBuying a well-diversified portfolio to represent a broad-based market Product cycleThe time it takes to bring new and/or improved products to market. Product riskA type of mortgage-pipeline risk that occurs when a lender has an unusual loan in production or Production payment financingA method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified Production-flow commitmentAn agreement by the loan purchaser to allow the monthly loan quota to be Reinvestment rateThe rate at which an investor assumes interest payments made on a debt security can be Reinvestment riskThe risk that proceeds received in the future will have to be reinvested at a lower potential REIT (real estate investment trust)Real estate investment trust, which is similar to a closed-end mutual REMIC (real estate mortgage investment conduit)A pass-through tax entity that can hold mortgages Return on investment (ROI)Generally, book income as a proportion of net book value. Revolving line of creditA bank line of credit on which the customer pays a commitment fee and can take Security characteristic lineA plot of the excess return on a security over the risk-free rate as a function of Security market lineline representing the relationship between expected return and market risk. Short-term investment servicesServices that assist firms in making short-term investments. Simple linear regressionA regression analysis between only two variables, one dependent and the other explanatory. Simple linear trend modelAn extrapolative statistical model that asserts that earnings have a base level and Straight line depreciationAn equal dollar amount of depreciation in each accounting period. Swingline facilityBank borrowing facility to provide finance while the firm replaces U.S. commercial paper Underinvestment problemThe mirror image of the asset substitution problem, wherein stockholders refuse Unit investment trustMoney invested in a portfolio whose composition is fixed for the life of the fund. Zero-investment portfolioA portfolio of zero net value established by buying and shorting component RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)In its most basic form, the rate of return equals net income divided by the amount of money invested. It can be applied to a particular product or piece of equipment, or to a business as a whole. STRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATIONA depreciation method that depreciates an asset the same amount for each year of its estimated UNITS OF PRODUCTIONA depreciation method that relates a machine’s depreciation to the number of units it makes each Investment centreA division or unit of an organization that is responsible for achieving an adequate return on Line itemGeneric types of assets, liabilities, income or expense that are common to all businesses and Non-production overheadA general term referring to period costs, such as selling, administration and financial expenses. Product costThe cost of goods or services produced. Product marketA business’s investment in technology, people and materials in order to make, buy and sell products or services to customers. Product/service mixSee sales mix. Production overheadA general term referring to indirect costs. Return on investment (ROI)The net profit after tax as a percentage of the shareholders’ investment in the business. Straight-lineA method of depreciation. bottom lineA commonly used term that refers to the net income (profit) capital investment analysisRefers to various techniques and procedures net income (also called the bottom line, earnings, net earnings, and netoperating earnings) product costThis is a key factor in the profit model of a business. product return on investment (ROI)A very general concept that refers to some straight-line depreciationThis depreciation method allocates a uniform InvestmentThe commitment of funds (capital) in anticipation of an increased Security Market LineA graph illustrating the equilibrium relationship between the by-productan incidental output of a joint process; it is salable, cost of production reporta process costing document that economic production run (EPR)an estimate of the number equivalent units of production (EUP)an approximation of the number of whole units of output that could have been grade (of product or service)the addition or removal of product investment centera responsibility center in which the manager investment decisiona judgment about which assets will be line employeean employee who is directly responsible for linear programminga method of mathematical programming used to solve a problem that involves an objective function and multiple limiting factors or constraints long-term variable cost a cost that was traditionally viewed as a fixed cost Management Accounting Guidelines (MAGs)pronouncements of the Society of Management Accountants of postinvestment auditthe process of gathering information process productivitythe total units produced during a period product complexityan assessment about the number of components in a product product contribution marginthe difference between selling price and variable cost of goods sold product costa cost associated with making or acquiring inventory productive capacitythe number of total units that could be product- (or process-) level costa cost that is caused by the development, production, or acquisition of specific products or services product life cyclea model depicting the stages through product line marginsee segment margin product varietythe number of different types of products red-line systeman inventory ordering system in which a red regression lineany line that goes through the means (or averages) of the set of observations for an independent variable and its dependent variables; mathematically, there is a line of “best fit,” which is the least squares regression line Related to : financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit. |